Stacy: Day 4 - "Whaling Overboard!"

THALAMAC Jul 30, 2013

Well, even though my breakfast became food for the fishies following in the wake of our boat 2/3 the way into the whale watching tour, it was still worth it.  I have never been out in open water before!  I've only been in (more recently [and by that I mean 18 years ago]) a canoe, and over 23 years ago, a huge ship crossing the English Channel.  [It should be noted here that I became sea-sick over the English Channel as well, at the age of 8 or 9, but the waters were super stormy and rough that day.]  Today was absolutely beautiful.  We could not have had calmer seas or more perfect weather.  It was fascinating watching the waves over open water, with no land on the horizon.  Mom thinks we were at least 17 miles off shore.

Again, no whales.

We walked around Portland, Maine, all day.  It's a wonderful and charming little town with loads of history!!  It has been a great visit.

The Great Lobster-A-Thon has begun...  I'm going to be eating a lot of chicken or kids-menu stuff.  Blech.

The last thing we did this evening was another ghost tour.  I think this is the last one...  I'll get the tour info later, but Gordon did a fantastic job!  I do believe he was the best ghost tour guide that I've ever had!  It seems like he had a script memorized, but it was well written.  There was a great mix of history, ghost stories, and humor that it all came together beautifully.  He handled the kids really well, but both Abby and the little boy her age seemed to not be threatened/scared.  Everyone really enjoyed themselves.

We actually got back to the hotel at a decent hour tonight!  (9:30-ish)  I think I might actually get to bed before 1am tonight...
