Stacy: Day 15 - Santiago de Compostela is in sight!

Camino de Santiago Oct 7, 2023

What. A. Day. It started off well enough. We had a nice, early (but small) breakfast at our hotel, and took a taxi to ask archaeological site back in Padron.

This rock is where St. James preached, and he hid from enemies of the Church in some caves nearby (we couldn't find them, but we also didn't look very hard).

A church was built there sometime around the 19th century (exact date unknown).

Then, we walked back to the Church of St. James the Apostle of Padron because it was closed when we went by yesterday.

Gorgeous church! It is where they moored the boat that was carrying the body of St. James, and the stone they used is under the altar.

Afterwards, we once again made our Way towards Santiago.

As we walked, we passed Pilgrims, and were passed many times. Excitement was in the air! With every weary "Buen Camino!" we exchanged, you could send the simultaneous weariness and exuberance at the fact that our goal was almost literally within sight. Most would make it to Santiago de Compostela today.

We made it to our next hotel, had lunch, and took a break. Today was another really hot day (88 degrees, not a cloud in the sky).

The hotel is literally on the path--the hotel and restaurant are separate buildings, and the path goes right in between them. Then, we set forth to walk at least 3 miles more so that we weren't walking into Santiago de Compostela all hot, sweaty, and exhausted. (They originally had us doing 8 miles tomorrow).

Well. That decision wasn't a mistake, but almost was.

Mom's leg muscle started tweaking a bit funny (she wasn't sure what she did, but she was now favoring it, and it was just ok). Around 5pm, we found a restaurant advertised along the path, but they had just closed. We stood in front of it for a minute, and I guess they heard us talking because they opened up their rolladens (a really neat type of shutters they have throughout Europe, and I wish they had more easily available in the States).

A kind soul allowed us in, let us order Cokes, and called us a cab. All while they ate their meal together.

The thing to note: we were panicking because 1. we had a dinner reservation with our hotel for 7pm, and it was now past 5pm; 2. no cabs were available for about 35 more minutes. When one finally arrived, it was past 6pm, and we were hot and stinky... Some were able to grab showers when we got back, but others had to sponge bathe until a shower could be taken after dinner. 😅

We're out in the middle of "nowhere," and with the late-night dinner customs around here, we weren't about to miss this reservation (if we could help it).

Thank God a cab got to us in time!!!

We'll call another to drop us off at that same restaurant tomorrow.
