Stacy: Day 8 - Over the Hill

Camino de Santiago Sep 30, 2023

Welp. A famous guidebook writer described the part we climbed today as the most difficult along the Portuguese Way. ((There's a really big hill.)

We started our 5.75 miles at a lovely little church (we prefer getting stamps from churches).

And, immediately made our way UP.

This is literally the entire hill in 2D format...

Do you see that near-vertical decline towards the end? Yeah, that's not a glitch. My sister had to hold my dad's hand and guide him (I'm not strong enough; my dad doesn't go anywhere [on this trip] without his hiking poles) just in case.

We ALL survived the entire day! How, I don't know. The morning started out beautifully! Foggy and cool. But, soon the blistering afternoon sun, with absolutely no cloud cover, nor shade along the paths, nearly killed us. Google said it was 87 degrees, but felt like 92.

Without shade, I nearly left everyone in the dust for the last 3 miles (we walk 2 miles an hour if it's flat and cool, like the mall). I wasn't feeling well, but it wasn't heat stroke-feeling... I was staying hydrated (I drank my ENTIRE. 3L hydration bladder, plus a Coke during lunch). After getting to our pension, in Redondela, I ate my pistachios and drank two of my fruit smoothies. I might have been over hydrated?

The Pension

This, as well as one more time, might be the closest we'll get to the more common Pilgrim sleeping experience.

First, do realize that there is a convention in town (or very nearby), and our Camino travel agent, months ago, had trouble finding rooms for us in Redondela.

Second, please recall that I was pissy, overheating, tired, hungry, and sore from my second pair of shoes suddenly becoming too small (at least for such severe downhill walking) since I last used them in San Antonio 3 weeks ago.

(Before showering; upon arrival) My sister and I had to climb 39 stairs to the third floor, twice. And bring our parents' luggage down and then up some much smaller steps.

And, THEN we brought up our luggage.

But, when you're cranky, overheating, and have third-floor room with no air movement, you just get upset.

Btw, I seen to have developed a very strangely-shaped sunburn on my left leg. It might be a combo sunburn and hikers rash (just capillaries expanding), but with me slathering my 'miracle lotion'on it at every opportunity, it's not burning, anymore. (Normally, if I get the lotion on it within a few hours, it doesn't hurt at all.

Anyway. Another miserable night in a room that doesn't have any AC/moving air.

We had difficulty finding dinner due to the time (the Spanish and Portuguese don't dinner until 7-8pm).

And, when we wanted to sleep, everyone was out at the cafe nextdoor, or on the courtyard. Very noisy; kids screaming (playing) in the courtyard. I'm not complaining, per se because we're guests in their neighborhood, but it wasn't a great night.

This pension might be great for other Peregrinos, but it was not right for us.

Not looking forward to lugging our luggage back down all those stairs tomorrow.
