Stacy: Before you hear it from someone else...

THALAMAC Jul 27, 2013

EDITED 7-28-13

And before anyone gives you evidence and tries to sway your opinion on the facts: the whale watching tour was both uneventful and eventful at the same time.  No whales, but, yes, my breakfast did become food for the fishies following in the boat's wake. The only railing you were allowed to vomit over was the aft railing, where it was noisiest, and most accessible.

I'll have you know that I was feeling 85-90% fine for 2/3 of the boat ride, and then, for whatever reason, everyone decided to go downstairs.  I decided to follow, and then began to feel sick after about 15 minutes.

So. Yeah.  There you have it.

Luckily, our hotel has a crappy breakfast, and I only had two donuts to eat...

More on the whale tour tonight.  Not that there's much more to come from my mouth.  *rimshot*
