Kim: Day 3

SA2SOS Jul 23, 2015

Well after 2 days of 8-10 hour driving sprees, today left us stationary in the Mile High City. After scoring on a great parking deal downtown (we watched the guy changing the price higher as we paid), we began our meanderings through Denver. Souvenir shopping was, of course, the first stop followed by long walks through Denver - wow I didn't know it was so hot here - this felt like Texas!

The State Capitol building was our main stop of the morning and a great choice. At the end of our informative hour tour, the guide took us to the dome observation area to see 360 degree views of the city as we walked around the outside of the dome. It was breathtaking - both the views and the 99 steps to get there - who made the air so this here?

We then found ourselves at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception just before noon Mass. It was a beautiful church and there were several rememberances of World Youth Day and the Pope's visit in 93.

We then began to live on the wild side just a bit and took in an afternoon game of the Colorado Rockies and the Texas Rangers. It was a great lunch stop and we really enjoyed watching the game too - views were beautiful and I do believe that there were as many Ranger fans there as Rockies ones. Of course, this Orioles fan didn't have anyone to embellish the National Anthem with me - no Os in Denver...

A visit to a major city is not complete without a short stop at the local American Girl Store. Josephina recieved some pampering and her very own set of glasses for our selfie shots.

Our travels took us to DInosaur Ridge for a very cool hike through an area right outside the city full of dinosaur bones, tracks and other reminents of times past. Not only did we see spectacular views from above and awesome historical fossils, but we also managed to get Stacy totally excited beyond recognition.

Our last stop was back at our hotel, where, once again Stacy was in her element - the whole hotel is Dinosaur themed and we enjoyed exploring the hotel areas as well as swim in the jurassic pool. We ended our day by searching out our sunset right outside our hotel with Steggie!
