Jeannie: Day T-minus-1 - The Camino is Calling!

Camino de Santiago Sep 22, 2023

The Camino is calling…

About 15 years ago I read the book “Walk in a Relaxed Manner” by Joyce Rupp. Until then, I’m not sure I’d ever even heard of the Camino. That book inspired me to place The Camino on my “bucket list.” Here it is, many years later, and I’m finally going to make my wish come true. In late September I will begin walking the Camino Portuguese along with my husband and two daughters. Because of our age, we are limiting it to the last 100 km. I am so excited to not only fulfill my dream, but to share it with my family. The sign pictured below has hung next to my front door for the past 8 years. The distance listed is the exact km from my house to the Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Tomorrow, September 23, when I step outside my front door, I will begin my Camino of 7825 km.

.…and I am answering!
