Abby: Day 8

SA2SOS Jul 28, 2015

Today we finally got to see the beautiful view of the mountains from our hotel room. We ate a well rounded breakfast and then headed out for the road. We headed to Utah to get a cache and visit Hovenweep National Monument to get the Junior Ranger. From there we started to drive to Four Corners. The line was super long(about 1 hour wait) to actually get up to take a picture. Then we explored the stalls of things the Navajo were selling. Then we got our short time in Arizona before re-entering New Mexico. Then we visited Aztec Ruins National Monument to explore quickly before it closed. It was amazing how well preserved it was! From there we headed to dinner at a small diner. The food was amazing and ,as they said on their sign outside, they have "bigger portions for a lower price". I loved the food!!!! We headed to our hotel from there. I am sooooooooo tired : O Good night. Write more soon!
