Abby: Day 11

SA2SOS Jul 30, 2015

Today we woke up ate breakast, stopped at Walgreens to get my mom a new make-up item, and then headed for the road. Our first stop? Trinity Site where the Atomic age started. We got a geocache and lots of pictures. Then we went to Valley of the Fires. Where a lava flow created formations of rocks and caves. Then, as we ate lunch in the car, we went towards San Antonio, New Mexico where we stopped at a small gas station so Aunt Stacy could get a souvenier. 8 > ) Thden we went to The World's Largest Pistachio and a winery/pistachio farm. There we bought a lot of things and took a tour. Who knew pistachios could be so interesting!? Then we stopped at a place that I suggested, the Almeda Park Zoo. Turns out that the animals are in great variety, and our hotel is very close. And so we went to our hotel afterwords. My mom went to get Pizza Hut food and came back after an hour with nothing and Pizza Hut was close. Turns out that they were short of workers and weren't telling us the right time for cooking our food, so we gave up and ate Carls Jr. meals in the car. Tonight we went on a Full Moon Hike and saw and learned many things about White Sands National Monument. Well I'm very tired : O Yawwwwwnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!! Good night! Write more tomorrow!
